Thursday, May 21, 2009

SALUD, DINERO, AMOR (Health, Money, Love)


Just last week, I overheard a conversation between two Spaniards, viz. Conchita and Manolito. But before I continue, I need to say I have a great affection for the Spanish language and in my opinion, it is "The Language of Love". Many may dispute this fact and echo that French is, but love will always be expressed between lover regardless of language. 

So judge for yourself which sounds best, Je t'aime or Te Quiero or Je vous aime or Te amo? This certainly does not prejudice any other world language nor its lovers. Have a look at the following love professions and judge for yourself, I love you (English) Ek het ju lief (Afrikaans) Ich liebe dich (German) Ik hou van jou (Dutch) Wo ai ni (Mandarin Chineese) Hum tumhe pyar karte hae (Hindi) Aishiteru (Japanese) etc, etc, etc... Bueno no?

However, Manolito sneezed and Chonchita said Salud (health) then Manolita sneezed a second time in quick succession and she said Dinero (money). By which time Manolita had his handkerchief out covering his nose whilst saying Gracias (thank you) which caused her to look at him very strangely and said said "estornuda una vez, mas falta la amor" (sneeze once more or you loose-out on love) Manolita replies "no mas" (no more - I can't) causing her to be quite annoyed at him. 

I think that's so cool, to wish someone health when they sneeze, much like the Germans with their "Gesundheit" or the Afrikaaners with their "Gesondheid" or the Dutch with their "Gezondheid", all of whom, essentially wish you health after you've sneezed but the Spaniards do so after each individual sneeze.

To me, health certainly is more important than money because I'd really hate the sort of life with oodles and oodles of money but with ill health. Perhaps like walking about with a colostomy bag in your hand or a tube up your nose. No, health, definitely comes before money, or rather, let me re phrase that, health first, then love love, then money. Lo siento Chonchita!

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