Microsoft is probably the worst online company to do business with, because they make cancelling a subscription so, so, very difficult. They task you to mine web page after web page to get to a destination you will never arrive at. It's worse than peeling an onion since you have to peel off layer after layer of bullshit in order to get to the "cancelation button" which actually doesn't exist.
When Microsoft send you an Invoice under cover of an email containing the following:-
Sign in to view your Microsoft 365 Business Basic invoice
Your Microsoft 365 Business Basic invoice is now available in the Microsoft 365 admin centre. Sign in to view it.
View you Invoice
If you’ve already paid, disregard this email.
If you’re set up to pay by credit card, no action is required—we’ll charge your card within 24 hours of the invoice date.
To review changes made to this subscription, go to the subscription history in the Microsoft 365 admin centre.
Additional resources
• Learn more about your invoice
• Learn how to navigate your invoices
• Change the way you receive invoices
• Change your payment method
• Change your billing address
Account information
Organisation name: Uxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subscription name: Microsoft 365 Business Basic
Subscription expiration date: 07 December 2024
Why cant Microsoft just send a cancel account link along with it as the last bullet point?
It would save users hours of surfing from one webpage to the next only to arrive at the first page where you started, there is no end to their deception. Trying to close a Microsoft account is like a dog chasing its own tale. It will never catch it, likewise Microsoft will string you along, deducting payments from your account while you struggling to close the account month after month.
Worst part is that when you happen to stumble onto their help desk ... its offline even though Billing support hours is advertised as Monday through Friday, 9 AM-5 PM
Funny thing is that this very concept of not being able to cancel a online subscription isn't unique to Microsoft, other online giants do exactly the same thing. Can you just image the mountain of money they rake-in from the hundreds of thousands if not millions of people all trying to cancel accounts without success, only to be billed at month end again for something that you're not using or no longer need or don't want or never needed in the first place.
In my case the Teams software I subscribed to, served its purpose for the 6 months I needed it. For six months thereafter I've unsuccessfully been trying to cancel it and just received a annual renewal notice with subscription expiration date: 07 December 2024. This really sucks!
The latest feedback from Microsoft, for security reasons, they want to here me say that I want to cancel this account as if they have a recording of my voice to compare it to the records. This sucks twice as much!